Author, Blogger, Podcaster, Consultant
K J Waters

KJ Waters
I am the author of the time travel series Stealing Time and short story Blow. I'm . currently working on the second book in the series, Shattering Time, and hope to have it out in the fall of 2016 if all goes well.
I grew up in Maryland and Virginia traveling around the DC beltway and moved to Boston to pursue my Master's Degree in Business then made my way down the coast to various lovely places and now somehow find myself in Dirtville, void of any beach or decent body of water. This sad fact inspired my blog, Blondie in the Water, where I relive some of my water adventures.
My career has been in healthcare marketing and I left my position as Director of Marketing for a national behavioral health company to stay home with my kids. During that time I wrote my first novel as a creative outlet while bringing up my beautiful blondies.
My recent projects have been a startup book cover business, Blondie's Custom Book Covers with a resulting Men of Steel calendar and many beautiful book covers in the past two years.
My newest project is a podcast I'm developing with author pal Suzanne Kelman called Blondie and the Brit, Writing, Publishing and Beyond. It is a humorous weekly podcast featuring interviews with indie and traditionally published authors, editors, and other publishing related folks.